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Last week I met with Dan Bruns, President of KIENSTRA Enterprises, Inc. in St. Louis, MO. It was my first meeting with Dan, and of the many RMX executives I have met with, he really stands out as a pro. I noticed a plaque in the reception area that caught my eye but did not have a chance to read it so I took a picture of it so I could read it later. Glad I did. I wasn’t sure if this was written by the good folks at Kienstra. So I did a little research and it turns out that this was authored by Roger Corbetta, also known as “Mr. Concrete.”

Concrete is my business. My future welfare and the well-being of my family depend on the quality of the work I do. I have chosen concrete out of all the construction materials of the earth as the one in which to specialize. I have done this because I feel that concrete is a material of integrity. Mixed and placed with understanding hands, concrete will not fail. Therefore, the work I do well now will survive and serve long after I am gone. Concrete walls impound billions of gallons of water for relief of a thirsty desert, and concrete bridges and broadest rivers and hold back devouring floods from cities and towns. Concrete builds a safe pathway for the darting miracles of steel which link our cities and towns. For my customers, a concrete home will protect and safeguard their loved ones from the dragons of fire or storm and for the architect whom I serve, concrete is a design medium with which they can create structures of beauty. Future generations will enjoy the things we of today have wrought of concrete for it is a material of integrity and will endure. Concrete is my business. I am proud of it.  – R. Corbetta

Concrete Is My Business by Roger Corbetta, also known as "Mr. Concrete"

Concrete Is My Business
by Roger Corbetta, also known as “Mr. Concrete”